Car key giveaways, with only one key starting that brand new pick up truck. Valentine’s Day snowfall promotions that entice romantics to purchase a little something extra. Cash giveaways or vacation packages that help generate sales leads. Consumer promotions are ideal for getting customers in the front door and interacting with your business.
When a consumer promotion runs in the states of New York or Florida with a prize pool of $5,000 or more, those states require that the promotion sponsors guarantee that the prizes will be paid out. The easiest and most cost-effective way to provide that guarantee is to obtain Game of Chance Surety Bonds from BUA.
Game of Chance Surety Bond FAQ
Why do I need Game of Chance Surety Bonds for my promotion?
If you are running a consumer promotion that includes consumers in the states of New York and Florida for which the total retail value of the prizes is $5,000 or more, those states require that the prize pool be guaranteed in some way. Game of Chance Surety Bonds are often the cheapest, most-efficient way to guarantee the prize pool and satisfy the states’ regulations.
In addition to the surety bonds, do you also register the promotion with the states?
Yes, in addition to providing the Game of Chance Surety Bonds, we can also register the promotion. Just complete the information on the online form and the required paperwork and we can register the promotion wherever necessary.
When do the promotion registrations need to be filed with the states?
The State of New York requires that the promotion be registered and the bond be on file thirty (30) days prior to the start of the promotion. The State of Florida requires registration seven (7) days prior to the start of the promotion.
How much will the bonds cost?
The price of the bonds depends on a number of factors, including the size of the prize pool. Once we have the necessary information on the promotion, we will get back to you quickly with a price.
What do I need to do to get started?
Complete our online application, attach the promotion rules and we’ll get back to you right away with a quote. If the quote looks good, let us know and we can move forward.